'Grammar is the rules that
show how words are combined, arranged, changed to show certain kinds of meaning.'
Grammar adalah
aturan yang menunjukkan bagaimana kata-kata dikombinasi, disusun, dan dirubah
untuk menunjukkan beberapa jenis makna. Selain itu grammar juga diartikan sebagai kumpulan kaidah tentang
struktur gramatikal bahasa. Kumpulan kaidah ini lazim dikenal sebagai tata
bahasa. Dalam bahasa Inggris, grammar terdiri dari 8 bagian (lazim disebut part
of speech), yaitu:
1. Verbs – Kata Kerja
Words that describe an action – Doing Words
Ex: Act,
bake, jump, run, open, push, speak, swim, throw, walk, etc
push the door
2. Nouns – Kata Benda
Words that give a name to something – Naming Words
Ex: Cat, computer, dictionary, book, dog, egg, house, man, paper,
water, woman, etc
cat is on the roof
3. Adjectives – Kata Sifat
Words that add description to something – Describing Words
Ex: Big, cold, fat, hairy,
heavy, small, stupid, tall, weak, etc
tall girl is my sister
4. Adverbs – Kata Keterangan
Words that add meaning to an action – Action Words
Ex: Loudly, fervent, lazily,
slower, often, well, quietly, constantly, faster, etc
thief run faster
5. Pronouns – Kata Ganti
Words that show possessiveness and replacing nouns – Relate Words
Ex: Hers, his, ours, some,
their, who, you, yours, etc
His book is on the table
6. Prepositions – Kata Depan
Words that describe ‘where’ and ‘when’ – Placement Words
Ex: At, during, for, from, in,
of, on, since, to, with, etc
go to church every Sunday
7. Conjunctions – Kata Sambung
Words that continue a sentence – Join Words
Ex: also, and, but, or, so,
though, yet, etc
and Boy playing badminton
8. Interjections – Kata Seru
Words that show emotional sounds – Exclaim Words
Ex: Ah!, dear!, eh!, erm!, oh!, uh!, um!, etc
Ah! I’m
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